Customize Your Waist Beads
This is the beginning of your personal growth journey and the customizations are endless.
Be intentional with your colors and use the Bead Color Chart below to get started!
Bead Color Chart
Choose up to four colors per strand, starting at $30/strand!
Every color has a meaning. Mix n' match to create something meaningful to YOU!

Strength; Power; Discipline; Sophistication; Elegance

Light; Goodness; Faith; Purity

Warmth; Stability

Love; Excitement; Boldness; Energy; Passion; Sexuality; Courage

Romance; Love; Friendship; Sensitivity

Joy; Enthusiasm; Endurance; Desire

Happiness; Joy; Intellect; Enthusiasm; Determination; Encouragement; Attraction; Stimulation; Clarity

Peace; Loyalty; Honor; Trust; Reliability; Freedom; Imagination; Understanding; Faith; Confidence

Healing; Tranquility; Understanding

Knowledge; Power; Integrity; Professionalism

Femininity; Serenity; Emotional Balance; Patience; Intuition; Wholeness

Health; Well-being; Growth

Wealth; Success; Achievement; Wisdom

Wisdom; Royalty; Power; Passion; Creativity; Romance; Compassion; Ambition

Silver: Grace; Confidence
Shop Our Most Popular Strand!
Our most popular strand is our signature Chakra strand, which includes 7 authentic stones to represent each of the 7 Chakras. This strand represents overall balance and alignment, consisting of Red Jasper, Yellow Jade, Tiger’s Eye, Green Aventurine, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, & Amethyst!
Customize your own Chakra set for only $65 (+tax)!
Your customization options are endless...

Authentic Stone Add-on
Authentic stones may be added to any order!
Natural stones provide additional encouragement, healing, and beauty from the earth!
(+ $20 per selection)

The stone of unconditional love! This stone is the perfect reminder to love yourself wholeheartedly.

Protection Stone. Promotes strength and letting go of negative emotions.

Courage Stone. Represents confidence, resilience, and self-improvement.

Tranquil Stone. Represents peace, soothes Anxiety and other negative emotions, and aids in meditation practices.

Stone of Harmony & Balance. Brings gentle healing of the sea, soothes fear, and gives clarity in decision making.

Stone of New Beginnings. Helps with inner growth & is said to bring balance and harmony.

Intuition Stone -Encourages you to think clearly & trust your gut!

Stone of Prosperity & Abundance. Promotes balance and well-being. Brings good luck!
For more stone options, contact us!
Ready to Order?
Use the Custom Order Form below to place your order. This will help your Waist Bead Designer gather the details of your order. Once your order is confirmed, you will be contacted separately for payment. Please review the details below before starting your order.
A standard strand with up to four colors is $30/strand.
Standard strand plus crystals (adds sparkle!): $40/strand.
Standard strand plus Authentic Stones: $50/strand
(Repair/Resizing): $20/strand, includes re-string, inspection, & bead replacement.
(Follow our Social media for special promotions, i.e. discounted prices on color/stone of the month!!)